Peel High School

Partially selective and feature school for agriculture

Telephone02 6765 7088


The HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment) faculty consists of the greatest teaching team ever assembled: Chris Rankmore (Head Teacher), Casey Barnett, Donna Burges, Jolene Faint, Jade Shaw, Laura Winters, Glenn Squires and Naarah Scholes.

Every student from Years 7 to 10 undertakes HSIE subjects. In Stage 4 students complete 100 hours of mandatory Geography and History. In Stage 5 students complete 100 hours of mandatory Australian History and Geography. Electives are offered in Stage 5. These are Aboriginal Studies, Commerce, Geography, History and International Studies. Assessment tasks in Stages 4 & 5 include topic tests, a major assignment and classwork activities, which include tests, spelling, participation and book work.

Subjects offered in Stage 6 are Aboriginal Studies, Aboriginal Languages, Ancient History, Business Studies, Geography, Legal Studies, Modern History, Society & Culture and Retail Services.

The faculty offers a variety of activities outside the classroom including excursions and work placement.

Yr 11 Legal Studies Court visit

Yr 11 Legal Studies Court Visit


Students should be aware of the due dates for all assessment tasks via their assessment booklets.

In 2018-2020 the faculty's priorities focus on literacy and numeracy, ALARM (a learning and response matrix) and promoting student engagement. As a core Key Learning Area HSIE participates in the Schools of the Future (SOTF) model for 60 students in Year 7. This new model promotes group work and project based learning in mandatory History and Geography topics for Stage 4.

The HSIE block contains state of the art technology and furniture and a variety of stimulus material. Samples of student work are displayed throughout the block. An ongoing focus of the faculty plan is to ensure the HSIE block is visually stimulating where students feel comfortable and will more likely enjoy their learning. By promoting this type of environment it is hoped that students will engage in 21st century learning to achieve positive student outcomes.

Excursion photo

Business Studies Excursion