Our students are recognised for their efforts, achievements and commitment to meeting the goals of our school. Our Merit system has been designed to meet the needs of all students and is cumulative from Years 7 to 12.
Bronze Award
Awarded for class effort, achievement, behaviour, conduct and homework. Any member of staff may present a Bronze Award.
Silver Award
Awarded for significant achievement, or on the presentation of four Bronze Awards by the Year Adviser. This award is also awarded each term for ongoing
commitment to the school's goals. Senior students may receive a Silver Award for excellence in
assessment tasks. Year Advisers, Executive Staff, Welfare Co-ordinator or the Sports Organiser may only issue Silver Awards.
Gold Award
Awarded at Year assemblies on the presentation of four Silver Awards to the Year Adviser.rents/carers receive a letter commending the student's achievement. Awarded by Principal and Year Adviser.
Service Award
Presentation of a medal at a Special Year Assembly. Awarded for receiving four gold awards. Parents/carers are invited to the Presentation Assembly, the child's name is put in the Newsletter and a Certificate is presented with the medal.
Special Award
After the first Service Award is achieved, students then work to achieve four Service Awards. On achievement of a fourth Service Award, a trophy will be presented to the student for outstanding achievement.
Other Forms of Recognition May Include
Presentations at Year assemblies
Presentations at Weekly assemblies
Presentations at Year Merit Assemblies
Dream Awards awarded by Faculties on assembly
Media recognition and associated publicity
Publication in the school newsletters
Certificates of achievement from school or beyond the school organisation
Congratulations letters sent at Faculty, Year Adviser or Senior Executive level
Class celebrations
Presentations at the annual Celebration Day Ceremony
Informal congratulations by staff/students in any setting of the school
At Peel High School, we believe that:
- Discipline implies the development of self-discipline and the ability to distinguish right from wrong.
- Students learn most effectively in a secure, ordered and well-disciplined environment.
- A well-disciplined environment provides a strong emphasis on the use of positive practices, which will assist students to develop the ability to accept responsibility for their behaviour, showing concern and respect for others.
- Home, school and community have a joint responsibility to assist students maintain acceptable standards of behaviour.
- Families will be informed in writing of serious student breaches of the School expectations or discipline code.
- Students who have caused property damage will be asked to fund replacement/repair of damaged property and/or perform reasonable compensatory work for the school.
- This policy reflects the expectations of the community and the wider society.
- Individual differences will be considered and discipline practices implemented in ways that do not discriminate on any basis.
- Students' inappropriate behaviour will be recorded on the student contact database or on behaviour monitoring card.
Discipline is primarily the responsibility of the classroom teacher or teachers on duty in the playground. Students are expected to be responsible for their own actions.
A level system operates within all classrooms and faculties. The Deputy Principal and the Principal will apply NSW DEC policies and procedures based on the application of the state-wide core school rules.
The Level System
If a student's behaviour is inappropriate in the classroom they will be placed on LEVEL 1 for a period of up to 2 weeks.
The classroom teacher will negotiate with the student positive goals and targets for the student to work towards achieving.
When the student is successful, the Level 1 is completed. If unsuccessful and the student's behaviour continues to be inappropriate the student then moves to Level 2.
- On Level 2 the student is removed from the classroom and is monitored by the Head Teacher for a period of up to 4 lessons.
- If the student is successful and their behaviour improves they return to class on a Level 1 Return to Class.
LEVEL 1 Return to Class
- When a student returns to class after successfully completing Level 2 they will be monitored for a period of up to 5 lessons.
- Students are eligible to participate in all school activities including excursions during this time provided they are not on a Level in any other subject area.
- Any student who is unsuccessful on Level 2 or Return to Class will be referred by the Head Teacher to the Deputy Principal for further action. The student may be dealt with as per Suspension and Expulsion of School Students – Procedures 2011
Parents and carers will be informed by staff by letter and/or phone when a student is placed on any Level. Please inform the school if your details have changed.
There is some specific behaviour that will not be tolerated at Peel High School and in certain instances, after the school's procedures are followed and where appropriate, the police may be contacted. Some of these include:
-persistent disobedience
-verbal abuse of staff or other students
-physical assault of staff or students
-possession/use of dangerous weapons
-possession or use of drugs
-dangerous/violent behaviour
-malicious damage
-any other form of criminal behaviour
Re-entry following suspension
To be successful in return to school following suspension, a student will be required to:
- Have a re-entry interview with the Deputy Principal.
- Complete a monitoring card for the following 5 days to establish appropriate behaviour.
- Attend the Library Roll call to have the behaviour card monitored
- Have their parent or guardian sign their behaviour monitoring card daily.
- Attain satisfactory comments on the behaviour monitoring card.
The monitoring period may be extended and/or the re-entry deemed "unsuccessful", if:
- the student displays inappropriate behaviour, as recorded on student contact database or the behaviour monitoring card
- the behaviour monitoring card is lost or misplaced
Consequences For Students
The consequences for any student who has returned from suspension and is on a Behaviour Monitoring Card or is on any Faculty Level will be:
The student may not:
- Represent the school at any sporting event
- Attend any excursions or extra curricula activities
- Attend school discos