Peel High School

Partially selective and feature school for agriculture

Telephone02 6765 7088


Personal Development, Health and Physical Education provides the opportunity for young people to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health and wellbeing of themselves and others, now and in the future.

Learning in PDHPE encourages young people to take a positive approach to managing their lives and equips them with skills for current and future challenges.

The PDHPE faculty offers a range of courses for students including:

Compulsory Yr 7-10 PDHPE

Practical Topics may include : Gymnastics, Dance, Court games, Field games , Athletics, Fitness, Games for Understanding, Invasion Games, Stick and Racquet games and Innovative activities.

Theory Topics may include: changes and challenges, healthy decisions, managing risks, connecting and respect, resilience, first aid, dealing with difference, healthy lifestyles, lifelong physical activities and mental and sexual health issues.

Stage 4 and 5 Elective Courses

Developed from the Physical Activity and Sport Studies Syllabus (PASS):

Stage 4

Participation and Fun

Stage 5

Coaching in the Community

Survival in the Wild

Child Studies

Physical Activity and Coaching

Senior PDHPE Courses

  • HSC 2 Unit - Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

  • HSC 2 Unit - Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR)

  • HSC 2 Unit - Community and Family Studies (CAFS)

  • VET Certificate 3 Fitness

Our school is involved in many initiatives and encourages students to become involved in activities within the school such as; Wheel Chair basketball visits, North West Disabilities Carnivals, Bouche Carnivals, AFL skill development clinics, Rugby Union coaching clinics, NSW Athletics clinics and many others that are offered.

The PDHPE Staff encourage students to stay active at lunchtimes by being involved in the lunchtime Gym sessions and the borrowing sporting equipment during this time.

There are many sporting teams that are on offer through the school and the students play in town competitions as part of these teams.

Some of these include; Friday night Rugby competition, Wednesday night Rugby League, Saturday Netball, Wednesday night Basketball, Girls Rugby competition and Friday night Cricket.

Coaching in the Community

A stage 5 elective course that sees our students learn skills that and gain competency in assisting many of the local Primary Schools coordinate their Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals during the year. These students also assist with the Secondary School Carnivals at both Zone and Regional Level.

Survival in the Wild

A Year 9 and 10 elective course that aims to educate students in outdoor education skills culminating in a five-day camping experience in the New England National Park and Iluka. A rewarding experience that many students may not get the chance to have in their own day-to-day lives.