Transition from Primary School to High School is an important stage in a student's development. The Peel High School Transition Program aims to support all students to:
- Experience positive relationships
- Be genuinely engaged in learning
- Develop high self esteem.
We strive to help our students be successful learners and to develop confidence, resilience, a love of learning, a strong sense of identity and a respect for others.
The Transition Program aims to build productive partnerships between Peel High School and its Learning Community of schools by:
- Supporting student social and academic development
- Working collaboratively on continuous improvement to Middle Years education
- Improving student well being
- Providing targeted early interventions and support
- Increasing teacher Professional Learning opportunities across the Learning Community.
Peel High School Transition Program aims to provide the best possible start to secondary schooling for all students.
Years K-3
- Coaching in the Community year 9 and 10 students develop and conduct PE lessons for partner primary classes
- Coaching in Community students participate in Primary Swimming and Athletics Carnivals as officials
Year 5
- "Taster Days"- year 5 students attend Peel High School and participate in taster lessons eg Science, Drama, PDHPE, Wood, Cooking, etc.
- Contact for Year 5 with Year Advisor, Secondary Teaching staff, Transition Coordinator and potential Year 7 Peer Buddies.
- Open Day
Year 6
- Secondary staff: Principal, Year Advisor, Transition Coordinator, GAT coordinator speak at Parent information meetings and P&C meetings
- Peer Support Program – Year 10 Peer Leaders identified and trained (Student Leadership Program)
- Peer Support activities held in Primary schools and at Peel High School during the year; activities include problem solving, discussions, social activities, leadership.
- Small Group and individual Transition Orientation program from students with identified needs- Special needs students/ students with behaviour difficulties/ funded students. Facilitated by AP behaviour
- Site orientation and familiarisation through site tours.
- Visual timetables and site maps, behaviour expectations and faculty expectations
- Term 3 Primary teachers administer Year 7 NAPLAN Literacy and Numeracy tests to Year 6 to assist with Year 7 class placement (Allows for a common measure to compare students from different primary sites)
- Big Brother Big Sister Program – last 2 weeks of Term 4, 2 ex Peel Year 12 students attend each Primary school (Westdale, Hillvue and Tamworth South) and support Year 6 in class and the playground
- Orientation Day
- Peel High School Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer to support Transition programs and make links with Aboriginal parents/ carers and students
- Year 6 programs organised Transition Coordinator in collaboration with Year Advisor and Primary staff and school Executive
Year 7
- Welcome BBQ for parents and students
- Big Brother Big Sister program- First 2 weeks of Term 1, 6 ex Peel Year 12 students who were involved in program term 4 of the previous year support Year 7 in class, sport and the playground.
- Year 7 Disco
- Peel High School Aboriginal Education Officer and Workers attend NAIDOC celebrations in Primary schools and conduct cultural workshops. Year 7 Aboriginal students attend and participate eg Dance Group
- Year 7 Peer Support Program - Activities are timetabled during Term 1
- Year 7 groups along with their Peer Support Leaders meet weekly
- Activities include problem solving, discussions, social activities, resilience and coping strategies
- Year 7 Camp
- Transition Coordinator supports students and Year Advisor for term 1
- Peel High School Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer to support Transition programs and make links with Aboriginal parents/ carers and students.
The Peel High School Learning Community consists of Peel High School and 6 partner Primary schools including: Westdale Public School, Tamworth South Public School, Hillvue Public School, Somerton Public School, Duri Public School and Currabubula Public School.
A successful partnership has been established through regular collaborative planning meetings and teaching and learning opportunities. The Transition program continues to be evaluated and modified to best suit the identified needs of the students in the middle years.
As a result of this Transition program Peel High School has been able to develop a positive relationship with students from Kindergarten allowing us to build comprehensive knowledge of students to assist with their smooth and successful transition to secondary school.