Peel High School Athletics Carnival
When: Friday 23rd April 2021
Where: Tamworth Regional Athletics Centre (NEW FACILITY behind netball courts)
Time: Start- 8.50am
Finish- approx 3.00 pm
Cost: $0 (a bus is provided for students who catch a bus to school)
1. Students should bring their own snacks and lunch. There is NO CANTEEN available at the new facilities. A BBQ and water will be available for purchase.
2. Students are to make their own way to and from the carnival, however, if students can’t get to the carnival a courtesy bus will run from Peel High School.
(Depart 8.50am, Return approx. 3pm).
3. Make sure students wear appropriate footwear, as no one is allowed to compete bare foot.
4. Students are reminded to bring plenty of water, hat, sunscreen and a jacket.
5. Students should wear house colours and support their house. Remember - participation in any event, regardless of finished place, receives a house point. Novelty events may also be run.
6. If students need to leave the carnival before the conclusion of the event (approx 3.00pm), they must provide a note to Mr Flanagan or Senior Executive.
7. Students are to remain at the venue for the whole day.
8. No footballs or valuables to be brought to the venue.
Mat Flanagan
Sports Coordinator