Peel High School

Partially selective and feature school for agriculture

Telephone02 6765 7088

COVID-smart measures and safety at Peel High School

Dear parents and carers

Welcome to a new school year, an exciting time as our students start or return to their school journey.

We will start 2022 with a layered approach to COVID-smart measures that have been developed in partnership with NSW Health to help to minimise transmissions at school. The health and wellbeing of our students and staff remain our priority, and these measures are designed to help to keep our school open and our students learning in the classroom.

If your child is unable to attend school from the beginning of Term 1 for any reason please contact the school on 67657088 to allow us to effectively plan their continuing education.

These key measures include:

  • Rapid antigen test (RAT) kits will be provided to all students to help monitor your child’s health and minimise transmission of COVID-19 across our school.
  • Wearing of surgical masks indoors is required for all staff and students in Year 7 and above. Masks will be provided by the school if required. Cloth or vented masks are not to be worn.
  • Only fully vaccinated visitors essential to delivering and supporting learning or wellbeing can come on a school site.
  • Two parents or carers are allowed to accompany their child to school on their first day of Year 7 or students starting at a new school. We ask parents and carers to farewell their child prior to them entering the school. Staff will be present to greet new students and to accompany them into the school.
  • Students will be kept in their year groups on school grounds during break times to minimise the spread of COVID-19 across cohorts where possible.

Rapid antigen testing

We will distribute packs of rapid antigen test (RAT) kits for all students and staff for the start of Term 1.

Instructions are included in the kits detailing how to use the tests, check the results and dispose of the tests safely.

How and when do I pick up the RAT kits?

  • Packs of RAT kits will be available for collection starting Friday 28th January from the bus bay at the front of the school.
  • You will be given 4 tests per child which will last 2 weeks. Included will be instructions for the testing. Students will need to be tested twice weekly, Monday and Wednesdays before attending school.
  • Pick up of test kits will be available Friday 28th, Monday 31st of January from 9.30am to 2.30pm.
  • Parents and carers can drive into the bus bay and staff will distribute the kits.
  • The tests need to be completed at home in the morning before attending school.

Additional information

  • School staff will not be administering the rapid antigen tests to students.
  • If a student receives a positive RAT result, you will need to:

Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.

Unwell at school

Any student who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home and stay until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.

  • If symptoms continue, they should stay at home and take another RAT in 24 hours or have a PCR test.
  • If the second RAT or initial PCR test result is negative, the student can return to school